Star Wars Hologram Tech is here Now !! Epic Cool Things !! Voxon Photonics
Star Wars Hologram Tech is here Now !! Epic Cool Things !! Voxon Photonics – Yes those Amazing Holograms from the Star Wars Movies are finally here and you can actually buy them right now if you have a few 1000’s spare !!

The VX1 from Voxon Photonics is a volumetric display inspired by the game of holochess (aka dejarik) aboard the Millennium Falcon, as featured in Star Wars: Episode IV and The Force Awakens. This technology works as a 3D printer for light, creating images that can be viewed in 3D from any angle, without the need for special glasses.
Lets hear from the Developers ..

What drives the explorer to seek out new frontiers, the inventor to try to engineer the impossible? An appetite for crazy, clearly. But also we dream. We see things for what they could be, not what they are.
We venture into the unknown because maybe, just maybe, what we discover can change the world.
After years of experimentation, we had a hardware prototype similar to Star Wars Hologram Tech that showed a glimpse of the possibility’s. But the graphics engine required to drive such a display was far more advanced than anything that had ever been created. So we turned to renowned programmer Ken Silverman, who joined the founding team to create the core graphics engine.
And the impossible Star Wars Hologram Tech became no longer so.
Hologram: from the ancient greek ‘holos gramma’, the whole message.
Being able to view something from a different angle, a new perspective – it’s how we solve the insolvable. In the hands of the great minds of the world of today, and tomorrow, the holographic display could open up infinite possibilities.
Despite all the wondrous things possible with VR and AR, they are ultimately isolating experiences. Disconnecting. And though technology has enabled us to connect with people across the other side of the world, still this only leaves us all further apart. The very nature of holographic display means people can gather around a projection in a way that screens simply don’t allow, enabling not only new perspectives, but shared perspective
Imagine a world where all the dimensions of the real world are no longer trapped in a 2D screen. Where we can bring things to life through light in three dimensions, no goggles, no glasses… Star Wars Hologram Tech is now Here. They have also developed the First ever Augmented Reality Gaming System.

The concept of a volumetric display has been taken in many different directions, from VR and AR to autosteroscopic screens.
Where putting on a VR headset lets you visualise data in an immersive way, placing the viewer inside the scene, our technology instead captures the scene and models it using hundreds of millions of points of light.
We’ve opened up a fully featured 3D API for developers around the world to be able to write their own applications, to bring to life their own imaginings.
Students at Harvard, MIT, and the University of Twente in the Netherlands all have Voxon VX1 displays and are constantly exploring new ideas and using the greater and shared perspective that comes with holographic display to solve new problems.
We are dedicated to exploring new possibilities in education, communication, entertainment, gaming, advertising, medical imaging and the automotive industry
Visit Voxon Photonics Official Website Here
#StarWars #Hologram #Tech is here Now !! Epic Cool Things !! #VoxonPhotonics
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